Read Luke 19:11-27
The people still hoped for a political leader who would set up an earthly kingdom and get rid of Roman domination. Jesus’ story showed that His kingdom would not take this form. First, He would go away for a while, and His followers would have to be faithful and productive during His absence. Upon His return, Jesus would inaugurate a kingdom more powerful and just than anything they could expect.
This story showed His followers what they were to do between the time of Jesus’ departure and His second coming. Because you live in that time period, it applies directly to you. You have been given excellent resources to build and expand God’s kingdom. Jesus expects you to use these talents so that they multiply and the kingdom grows. He asks you to give account for what you do with His gifts. While waiting the coming of the kingdom of God in glory, you must do Christ’s work.
Why was the king so hard on the man who had not increased the money? He punished the man because 1) he didn’t share his Master’s interest in the kingdom, 2) he didn’t trust his Master’s intentions, 3) his only concern was for himself, and 4) he did nothing to use the money.
Like the king in this story, God has given you gifts to use for the benefit of His kingdom. Do you want the kingdom to grow? Do you trust God to govern fairly? Are you as concerned for other’s welfare as you are for your own? Are you willing to use faithfully what He has entrusted to you?