Read Luke 15:11-32
The younger son’s share of the estate would have been one-third, with the older son receiving two-thirds. In most cases he would have received this at his father’s death, although fathers sometimes chose to divide up their inheritance early and retire from managing their estates. What is unusual here is that the younger son initiated the division of the estate. This showed arrogant disregard for his father’s authority as head of the family.
According to the law, pigs were unclean animals. This meant pigs could not be eaten or used for sacrifices. To protect themselves from defilement, Jews would not even touch pigs. For a Jew to stoop to feeding pigs was a great humiliation, and for this young man to eat food that the pigs had touched was to be degraded beyond belief. The younger son had truly sunk to the deepest depths.
The younger son, like many who are rebellious and immature, wanted to be free and live as he pleased, and he had to hit bottom before he came to his senses. It often takes great sorrow and tragedy to cause people to look to the only one that can help them – Jesus. Are you trying to live life your own way, selfishly pushing aside any responsibility or commitment that gets in your way? Stop and look before you hit bottom. You will save yourself and your family much grief.
In this story, the father watched and waited. He was dealing with a human being with a will of his own, but he was ready to greet his son if he returned. In the same way, God’s love is constant, patient, and welcoming. He will search for you and give you opportunities to respond, but He will not force you to come to Him. Like the father in this story, God waits patiently for you to come to your senses.
The son left his father out of selfishness. God’s great love reaches out and finds sinners no matter why or how they got lost.