Read Luke 14:15-24
The man sitting at the table with Jesus saw the glory of God’s kingdom, but he did not yet understand how to get in. In Jesus’ story many people turned down the invitation to the feast because the timing was inconvenient. You, too, may resist or delay responding to God’s invitation, and your excuses may sound reasonable – work, family, finances, or whatever else they may be. Nevertheless, God’s invitation is the most important event in your life, no matter how inconveniently it may be timed. Are you making excuses to avoid responding to God’s call? Jesus reminds you that the time will come when God will pull His invitation and offer it to others; then it will be too late for you.
It was customary to send two invitations to a party: the first, to announce the event. The second, to tell the guest that everything is ready. The quest in Jesus’ story insulted the host by making excuses when he issued a second invitation. In Israel’s history, God’s first invitation came from Moses and the prophets; the second came from His son, Jesus. The religious leaders accepted the first invitation. They believed that God had called them to be His people, but they insulted God by refusing to accept His Son. Thus, as the master in the story sent his servant into the streets to invite the needy to his feast, so God sent His Son to a whole world of needy people to tell them that God’s kingdom had arrived and was ready for them.