Read Luke 12:1-12
As Jesus watched the huge crowds waiting to hear Him, He warned His disciples against hypocrisy – trying to appear holy when one’s heart is far from God. The Pharisees could not keep their attitudes hidden forever. Their selfishness would act like yeast, and soon they would expose themselves for what they really were – power hungry imposters, not devoted religious leaders. It is easy to be angry at the blatant hypocrisy of the Pharisees, but each of us must resist the temptation to settle for the appearance of responsibility when our hearts are far from God.
Fear of opposition and ridicule can weaken your witness for Christ. Often you cling to peace and comfort, even at the cost of your walk with God. Jesus reminds you that you should fear God, who controls eternity, not merely temporal, consequences. Don’t allow fear of a person or group to keep you from standing up for Christ.
Your true value is God’s estimate of your worth, not your peers. Other people evaluate and categorize you according to how you perform, what you achieve, and how you look. But God cares for you, as He does for all of His creation, because you belong to Him. So you can face life without fear.
You deny Jesus when you 1) hope no one will find out you are a Christian, 2) decide not to speak up for what is right, 3) are silent about your relationship with God, 4) blend into society, and 5) accept our culture’s non-Christian values. By contrast, you acknowledge Christ when 1) live a moral, upright, Christ honoring life, 2) look for opportunities to share your faith with others, 3) help others in need, 4) take a stand for justice, 5) love others, 6) acknowledge your loyalty to Christ, and 7) use your life and resources to carry out His desires rather than your own.