Read Luke 11:1-13

God’s provision is daily, not all at once. You can not store it up and then cut off communication with God. And you dare not be self satisfied. If you are running low on strength, ask yourself, how long have I been away from the source?
When Jesus taught disciples to pray, He made forgiveness the cornerstone of their relationship with God. God has forgiven your sins; you now forgive those who have wronged you. To remain unforgiving shows that you have not understood that you yourself deeply need to be forgiven. Think of some people who have wronged you. Have you forgiven them? How will God deal with you if He treats you as you treat others.
Notice the order of this prayer. First, Jesus praised God; then He made His requests. Praising God first puts you in the right frame of mind to tell Him about our needs. Too often our prayers are more like shopping lists than conversations.
Persistence, or boldness, in prayer overcomes your insensitivity, not God’s. To practice persistence does more to change your heart and mind than God’s, and it helps you understand and express the intensity of your need. Persistence in prayer helps you recognize God’s work.
Even though good fathers make mistakes, they treat their children well. How much better our perfect Heavenly Father treats His children! The most important gift Jesus could ever give you is the Holy Spirit, whom He promised to give all believers after His death, resurrection and return to heaven.