Read Luke 10:1-16

Jesus was sending 36 teams of two to reach the multitudes. These teams were not to try to do the job without help; rather, they were to ask God for more workers. Some people, as soon as they understand the Gospel, want to go to work immediately contacting unsaved people. But this story gives an unique approach to reaching lost people: 1) Begin by mobilizing people to pray. 2) and before praying for unsaved people, pray that other concerned believers will join you to reach out to them.
In Christian service there is no unemployment. God has work enough for everyone. Don’t just sit back and watch others work – look for ways to help with the harvest.
You don’t have to be better educated, more capable, or of higher status than other followers of Christ. What prepared these disciples, and you, for mission was that they had been equipped with Jesus’ power and their vision to reach all the people. It is important to dedicate your skills to God’s kingdom, but you must also be equipped with His power and have a clear vision of what He wants you to do.
Jesus said He was sending out His disciples “as lambs among wolves.” They would have to be careful because they surely would meet with opposition. We, too, are sent out into the world like lambs among wolves. Be alert, and remember to face your enemies, not with aggression, but with love and gentleness. A dangerous mission requires sincere commitment.
Jesus told His disciples to accept hospitality graciously because their world entitled them to it. Ministers of the Gospel deserve to be supported, and it is our responsibility to make certain they have what they need. There are several ways to encourage those who serve God in your church: 1) See that they have an adequate salary; 2) See that they are supported emotionally, by expressing appreciation for what they have done; 3) lift their spirits with special gifts from time to time. Your minister deserves to know you are giving to them cheerfully, and generously.
Jesus gave two rules for the disciples to follow as they travelled. They were to eat what was set before them – that is, accept hospitality without being picky – and they were to heal the sick. Because of this people would be willing to listen to the Good News.
For those who rejected the Good News, they would suffer greater judgement than some of the most wickedest cities of the past.