Read Luke 9:51-62

Although Jesus knew He would face persecution and death in Jerusalem, He was determined to go there. That kind of resolve should characterize your life too. When God gives you a course of action, you must move steadily toward your destination, no matter what potential hazards await you there.
After Assyria invaded Israel, the Northern Kingdom, and resettled it with its people, the mixed race that developed became known as the Samaritans. Pure blooded Jews hated these half-breeds, and the Samaritans hated the Jews. So many tensions arose between the two peoples that Jewish travelers between Galilee and Judea often walked around rather than going through Samaritan territory, even though it lengthened their trip considerably. Jesus had no such prejudices, and He sent messengers ahead to get things ready in the Samaritan village. But the village refused to welcome these Jewish Jewish travelers.
When James and John were rejected by the Samaritan village, they didn’t want to stop at shaking the dust from their feet. They wanted to retaliate by calling fire down from heaven on the people.
When others reject or scorn us, we, too, may feel like retaliating. We must remember that judgment belongs to God, and we must not expect to use His power to carry out our personal vendettas.
True discipleship requires instant action. Jesus did not teach people to forsake responsibilities to family, but He often gave commands to people in light of their real motives. Perhaps some want to delay in following Christ and use circumstances as an excuse. There is a cost to following Jesus, and each of us must be ready to serve, even when it requires sacrifice.
What does Jesus want from you? Total dedication, not half-hearted commitment. You can’t pick and choose among Jesus’ ideas and follow Him selectively; you have to accept the cross among along with the crown, judgement as well as mercy. You must count the cost and be willing to abandon everything else that has given you security. With your focus on Jesus, you should allow nothing to distract you from the manner of living that He calls good and true.