Read Luke 9:28-36

Jesus took Peter, James, and John to the top of a mountain to show them who He really was – not just a great prophet, but God’s own Son. Moses, representing the law, and Elijah, representing the prophets, appeared with Jesus. Then God’s voice singled out Jesus as the long awaited Messiah, who possessed divine authority. Jesus would fulfill both the law and the prophets.
When Peter suggested making three shrines, he may have been thinking of the Festival of Shelters, where shelters were set up to commemorate the Exodus, God’s deliverance from slavery in Egypt. Peter wanted to keep Moses and Elijah with them. But this was not what God wanted. Peter’s desire to build shrines for Jesus, Moses, and Elijah may also show his understanding that real faith is built on three cornerstones: the law, the prophets, and Jesus, who is the chief cornerstone. But Peter grew in his understanding, and eventually he would write of Jesus as the chosen cornerstone of the church.
Peter, James, and John experienced a wonderful moment on the mountain, and they didn’t want to leave. Sometimes we, too, have such an inspiring experience that we want to stay where we are – away from the reality and problems of our daily life. Knowing that struggles await us in the valley encourages us to linger on the mountain top. Yet staying on top of a mountain prohibits our ministering to others. Instead of becoming spiritual giants, we would soon become dwarfed by our self-centeredness. You need times of retreat and renewal, but only so you can return to minister to the world. Your faith must make sense off the mountain as well as on it.
As God’s Son, Jesus has God’s power and authority; thus, His words should be our final authority. If a person’s teaching is true, it will agree with Jesus’ teachings. Test everything you hear against Jesus’ words, and you will not be led astray. Don’t be hasty to seek advice and guidance from merely human sources and thereby neglect Christ’s message.
God clearly identified Jesus as His Son before saying that Peter and the others were to listen to Jesus and to their own ideas and desires. The ability to follow Jesus comes from confidence about who He is. If you believe He is God’s Son, then you will surely want to do what He says