Read Luke 24:50-53

Jesus’ physical presence left the disciples when He returned to heaven, but the Holy spirit soon came to comfort them and empower therm to spread the Good News of Salvation. Today, Jesus’ work of salvation was complete, and He is sitting at God’s right hand, where He has authority over heaven and earth.
As the disciples stood and watched, Jesus began rising into the air, and soon He disappeared into heaven. Seeing Jesus leave must have been frightening, but the disciples knew that Jesus would keep His promise to send the Holy Spirit to be with them. This same Jesus, who lived with the disciples, who died and was buried, and who rose from the dead, loves you and promises to be with you always. You can get to know Him better by studying the Bible, praying, and allowing the Holy Spirit to make you more like Jesus.
Luke’s gospel portrays Jesus as a perfect life lived according to God’s plan. As a child He was obedient to His parents and amazed the religious leaders in the Temple. As an adult, He served God and others through preaching and healing, and finally, as a condemned man, He suffered without complaint. This portrayal of Jesus was well suited for Luke’s Greek readers, who placed high value on being an example and improving oneself, and who often discussed the meaning of perfection.
As a believer living according to God’s plan, you, too, should obey your Lord in every detail as you seek to bring wholeness to people’s lives and souls. If others want to know how to live a perfect life you can point them to Jesus.