Read Luke 24:13-34
The news about Jesus’ crucifixion had spread throughout Jerusalem. Because this was Passover week, Jewish pilgrims visiting Jerusalem from all over the Roman Empire now knew about His death,. This was not a small, insignificant event, affecting only the disciples. The whole nation was interested.
These followers from Emmaus were counting on Jesus to redeem Israel; to rescue Israel from its enemies. Most Jews believed that the Old Testament prophesies pointed to a political Messiah; they didn’t realize that the Messiah had come to redeem people from the slavery of sin. When Jesus died, therefore, they lost all hope. They didn’t understand Jesus’ death offered the greatest hope possible.
These followers knew that the tomb was empty but didn’t understand that Jesus had risen, and they were filled with sadness. Despite the women’s witness, which was verified by some of the disciples, and despite the Biblical prophesies about this very event, they still did not believe. Today, the resurrection still catches people by surprise. In spite of 2,000 of evidence and witnesses, many people refuse to believe. What more will it take? For these disciples it took the living Jesus in their midst. For many today, it takes the presence of live Christians.
Why did Jesus call these disciples foolish? Even though they well knew the Biblical prophesies, they failed to understand that Christ’s suffering was His path to glory. They could not understand why God did not intervene to save Jesus from the cross. They were so caught up in the world’s admiration of political power and military might that they were blind to God’s kingdom values: that the last will be first, and that life grows out of death. The world has not changed its values. The Suffering Servant is no more popular today than he was 2, 000 years ago. But you have not only the witness of the Old Testament prophets; you also have the witness of the New Testament Apostles and the history of the church testifying to Jesus’ victory over death. Will you confront the values of our culture and put your faith in Jesus? Or will you foolishly continue to ignore the good news?
Beginning with Moses and going through the Old Testament prophets, Jesus reintroduced these disciples to the Old Testament. Christ is the thread woven through all the Scriptures, the central theme that binds them together.
The two followers returning to Emmaus at first missed the significance of history’s greatest event because they were too focused on their disappointments and problems. In fact, they didn’t recognize Jesus when He was walking beside them. To compound the problem, they were walking in the wrong direction – away from the fellowship of believers in Jerusalem. You are likely to miss Jesus and withdraw from the strength found in other believers when you become preoccupied with your dashed dreams and hopes and frustrated plans. Only when you are looking for Jesus in your midst will you experience the power and help He can bring.