Read Luke 23:50-56
Joseph of Arimathea was a wealthy and honored man of the Jewish high council. He was also a secret disciple of Jesus. The disciples who had publicly followed Jesus fled, but Joseph boldly took a stand that could have cost him dearly. He cared enough about Jesus to ask for His body so he could give it a proper burial.
The tomb was likely a man made cave cut out of one of the many limestone hills in the same area around Jerusalem. Such a tomb was large enough to walk into. After burial, a large stone would have been rolled across the entrance.
The Galilean women would have followed Joseph to the tomb, so they knew exactly where to find Jesus’ body when they returned after the Sabbath with their spices and perfumes. These women could not do great things for Jesus. They were not permitted to stand up before the Jewish high council or the Roman governor to testify on His behalf, but they did what they could. They stayed at the cross when most of Jesus’ disciples had fled, and they got ready to anoint their Lord’s body. Because of their devotion, they were the first to know about the Resurrection. As a believer, you may feel you can’t do much for Jesus. But you are called to take advantage of the opportunities given you, doing what you can do and not worrying about what you cannot do.