Read Luke 20:20-26

These spies, pretending to be honest men, flattered Jesus before asking Him their trick question, hoping to catch Him off guard. But Jesus knew what they were trying to do and stayed out of their trap. Beware of flattery. With God’s help you can detect it and avoid the trap that often follows.
This was a loaded question. The Jews were enraged about having to pay taxes to Rome, thus supporting the pagan government and its gods. They hated the system that allowed tax collectors to charge exorbitant rates and keep the extra for themselves. If Jesus said they should pay taxes, they would call Him a traitor to their nation and their religion. But if He said they should not, they could report Him to Rome as a rebel. Jesus’ questioners thought they had Him this time, but He outwitted them again.
Jesus turned His enemies’ attempt to trap Him into a powerful lesson: As a follower of God, you have legitimate obligations to both God and the government. But it is important to keep your priorities straight. When the two authorities conflict, your duty to God must always come before your duty to the government.