The Temple’s New Splendor (Day 3)

Read Haggai 2:1-9
   This is Haggai’s second message. It was given during the Festival of Shelters in October 520 B.C. The older people could remember the incredible beauty of Solomon’s temple, destroyed 66 years earlier. Many were discouraged because the rebuilt Temple was inferior to Solomon’s. But Haggai encouraged them with God’s message that the glory of the Temple would surpass that of its predecessor. The most important part of the Temple is God’s presence. Some 500 years later, Jesus Christ would walk in the Temple courts. 
   “Take courage and work, for I am with you.” Judah’s people had returned to worshiping God, and God had promised to bless their efforts. But it was time for them to work. We must be a people of prayer, Bible study, and worship, but eventually we must get out and do the work God has prepared for us. He wants to change the world through us, His ambassadors. God has given you a job to do in the church, at your place of employment, and at home. The time has come to take courage and get going because God is with you. 
   The Israelites had been led from captivity in Egypt to their Promised Land. They were God’s chosen people, guided and cared for by His Holy Spirit. Although God had punished them for their sins, He kept His promise and never left them (Exodus 29). No matter what difficulties we face or how frustrating our work may be, God’s Spirit is with us. 
   When God promised to shake all the nations with His judgment, He was speaking of both His present judgment on evil nations and future judgment during the last days. The words “in a little while” are not limited to the immediate historical context; they refer to God’s control of history: He can act anytime He chooses. God will act in His time (Hebrews 12). 
God wanted the Temple to be rebuilt, and He had the gold and silver to do it, but He needed willing hands. God had chosen to do His work through people. He provides the resources, but willing hands must do the work. Are your hands available for God’s work in the world?