The Sins of Judah (Day 10)

Read Jeremiah 5:1-19
   Jerusalem was the capital city and center of worship for Judah. God was willing to spare the city if only one person who was just and honest could be found. Think how significant your testimony may be in your city or community. You may represent the only witness for God to many people. Are you faithful to that opportunity? 
   Nothing but truth is acceptable to God. When we pray, sing, speak, or serve, nothing closes the door of God’s acceptance more than hypocrisy, lying, or pretense. God sees through us and refuses to listen. To be close to God, be honest with Him. 
   Even the leaders who knew God’s laws and understood His words of judgment had rejected Him. They were supposed to teach and guide the people, but instead they led them into sin. Jeremiah observed the poor and ignorant of God’s ways and realized they were not learning God’s laws from their leaders. Thus, God’s search in Jerusalem was complete. There were no true followers in any level of society. 
   God held these people responsible for the sins of their children because the children had followed their parents’ example. The sin of leading others, especially our children, astray by our example is one for which God will hold us accountable.