Read Jeremiah 2:14-22
Memphis was near modern Cairo’s present location in lower Egypt, and Tahpanhes was in northeastern Egypt. Jeremiah could be speaking of Pharaoh Shishak’s previous invasion of Judah in 926 B.C. (1 Kings 14), or he may have been predicting Pharaoh Neco’s invasion in 609 B.C. when King Josiah of Judah would be killed (2 Kings 23). Jeremiah’s point is that the people brought this on themselves by rebelling against God.
The stain of sin is more than skin deep. Israel had stains that could not be washed out, even with the strongest cleansers. Spiritual cleansing must reach deep into the heart; and this is a job that God alone can do. We cannot ignore the effects of sin and hope they will go away. Your sin has caused a deep stain that only God can remove if you are willing to let Him cleanse you (Isaiah 1; Ezekiel 36).