Paul’s Final Advice (Day 49)

Read 2 Corinthians 13:1-10
   When Paul arrived the third time in Corinth, he would not be lenient toward unrepentant sinners. His actions could include 1) confronting and publicly denouncing their behavior, 2) exercising church discipline by calling them before the church leaders, or 3) excommunicating them from the church. 
   The Corinthians were called to examine and test themselves to see if they really were Christians. Just as we get physical checkups, Paul urges us to give ourselves spiritual checkups. We should look for a growing awareness of Christ’s presence and power in our life. Then will we know if we are true Christians or merely impostors. If we’re not actively seeking to grow closer to God, we are drawing farther away from Him. 
   Just as parents want their children to grow into mature adults, so Paul wanted the Corinthians to grow into mature believers. As we share the Gospel, our goal should be not merely to see others profess faith or begin attending church but to see them become mature in their faith. Don’t set your sights too low.