Observing the Sabbath (Day 32)

Read Jeremiah 17:11-27
   There is a right way and a wrong way to do any task. Jeremiah says that the person who becomes rich by unjust means will end up foolish and poor. Whether at work, school, or play, we should strive to be honest in all our dealings. Getting a promotion, passing an exam, or gaining prestige by dishonest means will never bring God’s blessing or lasting happiness. 
   The people were working on the Sabbath, their day of rest (Exodus 20). They considered making money more important than keeping God’s law. If they would repent and put God first in their lives, God promised them honor among nations. Over a century later, when Nehemiah led the exiles on their return to Jerusalem, one of his most important reforms was to reinstitute Sabbath observance (Nehemiah 13).