Mark: A Walk With Our Savior (Day 54)

Read Mark 12:35-40
   Jesus quoted Psalm 110:1 to show that David considered the Messiah to be his Lord, not just his son. The religious leaders did not understand that the Messiah would be far more than a human descendant of David; He would be God Himself in human form. 
   The punishment for these teachers of religious law would be especially severe because as teachers they were responsible for shaping the faith of the people. But they burdened people with petty rules, while they lived greedily and deceitfully. Their behavior oppressed and misled the very people they were supposed to lead. 
Jesus again exposed the religious leaders’ impure motives. The teachers of religious law received no pay, so they depended on the hospitality extended by devout Jews. Some of them used this custom to exploit people, cheating the poor out of everything they had and taking advantage of the rich. Through their pious actions they hoped to gain status, recognition, and respect. 
   Jesus warned against trying to make a good impression. These teachers of religious law were religious hypocrites who had no love for God. True followers of Christ are not distinguished by showy spirituality. Reading the Bible, praying in public, or following church rituals can be phony if the motive for doing them is to be noticed or honored. Let your actions be consistent with your beliefs. Live for Christ, even when no one is looking.