Read Mark 12:1-12
Jesus’ stories, also called parables, were illustrations that used something familiar to help us understand something new. This method of teaching compels listeners to discover truth for themselves. The message gets through only to those who are willing to listen and learn.
Israel, pictured as a vineyard, was the nation that God had cultivated to bring salvation to the world. The religious leaders not only frustrated their nation’s purpose but also killed those who were trying to fulfill it. They were so jealous and possessive that they ignored the welfare of the very people they were supposed to be bringing to God.
In this parable, the man who planted the vineyard is God; the vineyard is the nation Israel; the tenant farmers are Israel’s religious leaders; the servants are the prophets and priests who remained faithful to God; the son is Jesus; and the others are the Gentiles. By telling this story, Jesus exposed the religious leaders’ plot to kill Him and warned that their sins would be punished.
In this parable, the man who planted the vineyard is God; the vineyard is the nation Israel; the tenant farmers are Israel’s religious leaders; the servants are the prophets and priests who remained faithful to God; the son is Jesus; and the others are the Gentiles. By telling this story, Jesus exposed the religious leaders’ plot to kill Him and warned that their sins would be punished.
Jesus referred to Himself as the stone rejected by the builders. Although He would be rejected by most of the Jewish leaders, He would become the cornerstone of a new building, the church (Acts 4). The cornerstone was used as a base to make sure the other stones of the building were straight and level. Likewise, Jesus’ life and teachings would be the church’s foundation.