Read Mark 11:20-26
The kind of prayer that moves mountains is prayer for the fruitfulness of God’s kingdom. It would seem impossible to move a mountain into the sea, so Jesus used that illustration to show that God can do the impossible. God will answer your prayers but not as a result of your positive mental attitude. Other conditions must be met: 1) You must be a believer; 2) you must not hold a grudge against another person; 3) you must not pray with selfish motives; 4) your request must be for the good of God’s kingdom. To pray effectively, you need faith in God, not faith in the object of your request. If you focus only on your request, you will be left with nothing if your request is refused.
Jesus, our example, prayed, “Everything is possible for you . . . Yet Your will be done, not mine”. Our prayers are often motivated by our own interests and desires. We like to hear that we can have anything. But Jesus prayed with God’s interests in mind. When we pray, we can express our desires, but we should want His will above ours. Check yourself to see if your prayers focus on your interests or God’s.