Read Jeremiah 9:1-26
Jeremiah felt conflicting emotions concerning his people. Lying, deceit, treachery, adultery, and idolatry had become common sins. He was angered by their sin, but he had compassion, too. He was set apart from them by his mission for God, but he was also one of them. Jesus had similar feelings when He stood before Jerusalem, the city that would reject Him (Matthew 23:37).
People tend to admire three things about others: wisdom, power or might, and riches. But God puts a higher priority on knowing Him personally and living a life that reflects His justice and righteousness. What do you want people to admire most about you?
Circumcision went back to the time of Abraham. For the people of Israel, it was a symbol of their covenant relationship to God (Genesis 17). Circumcision was also practiced by pagan nations, but not as a sign of a covenant with God. By Jeremiah’s time, the Israelites had forgotten the spiritual significance of circumcision even though they continued to do the physical ritual. Today people in the church have forgotten the spiritual significance behind the rituals. We go through the physical rituals not realizing why or for whom we are doing them. Some do them for show, others do them just to be doing them. God wants our broken and contrite hearts, not our rituals.