Read Jeremiah 23:9-40
How did a nation become so corrupt? A major factor was false prophecy. The false prophets had a large, enthusiastic audience and were very popular because they made the people believe that all was well. By contrast, Jeremiah’s message from God was unpopular because it showed the people how bad they were.
There are four warning signs of false prophets: characteristics we need to watch for today. 1) They may appear to speak God’s message, but they do not live according to God’s Word. 2) They water down God’s message in order to make it more palatable. 3) They encourage their listeners, often subtly, to disobey God. 4) They tend to be arrogant and self-serving, appealing to the desires of their audience instead of being true to God’s Word.
True prophets and false prophets are as different as chaff and wheat. Chaff is useless for food and cannot compare to nourishing wheat. To share the Gospel is a great responsibility because the way we present it and live it will encourage people either to accept it or reject it. Whether we speak from a pulpit, teach a class, or share with friends, we must accurately communicate and live out God’s Word. As you share God’s Word with friends and neighbors, they will look for its effectiveness in your life. Unless it has changed you, why should they let it change them? If you preach it, make sure you live it.
People mocked Jeremiah by saying sarcastically, “What prophecy has the Lord burdened you with now?” It seemed that Jeremiah brought nothing but God’s sad news of condemnation. But this sad news was the truth. If they had accepted it, they would have had to repent and turn to God. Because they did not want to do this, they rejected Jeremiah’s message. Have you ever rejected a message or made fun of it because it would require you to change your ways? Before dismissing someone who brings you sad news, look carefully at your motives.