Enjoy our daily devotionals written by Pastor Randy Dubois. These devotionals can be used as another way to grow in your walk with Jesus and to grow in your understanding of God and His Word.
Israel Rejects the Lord’s Way (Day 13)
Read Jeremiah 6:16-30
The right path for living is ancient and has been marked out by God. But the people refused to take God’s path, going their own way instead. We face the same decision today: going God’s old but true way, or following a new path of our own choosing. Don’t be misled. The only way to find peace and rest for your souls is to walk on God’s path.
Jerusalem’s Last Warning (Day 12)
Read Jeremiah 6:1-15
The Lord warned Jeremiah’s own tribe of Benjamin to flee, not to the security of the great walled city of Jerusalem because it would be under siege, but toward Tekoa, a town about 12 miles south of Jerusalem. The warning smoke signal was lit at Beth-hakkerem, halfway between Jerusalem and Bethlehem. The shepherds were the leaders of Babylon’s armies, and their flocks were their troops.
A Warning for God’s People (Day 11)
Read Jeremiah 5:20-31
Have you ever spoken to someone, only to realize that the person didn’t hear a word you were saying? Jeremiah told the people that their eyes and ears did them no good because they refused to see or hear God’s message. The people of Judah and Israel were foolishly deaf when God promised blessings for obedience and destruction for disobedience. When God speaks through His Word or His messengers, we harm ourselves if we fail to listen. God’s message will never change us unless we heed it.
The Sins of Judah (Day 10)
Read Jeremiah 5:1-19
Jerusalem was the capital city and center of worship for Judah. God was willing to spare the city if only one person who was just and honest could be found. Think how significant your testimony may be in your city or community. You may represent the only witness for God to many people. Are you faithful to that opportunity?
Jeremiah’s Vision of Coming Disaster (Day 9)
Read Jeremiah 4:19-31
Judah was clever at doing evil but did not know how to do what was right. Right living is more than simply avoiding sin. It requires decision and discipline. We must develop skills in right living because our behavior attracts attention to our God. We should pursue excellence in Christian living with as much effort as we pursue excellence at work.
We are God’s Ambassadors (Day 37)
Read 2 Corinthians 5:11-21
Those who brag about having a spectacular ministry rather than having a sincere heart before God are false preachers, who were concerned only about getting ahead in this world. They were preaching the Gospel for money and popularity, while Paul and his companions were preaching out of concern for eternity. You can identify false preachers by finding out what really motivates them. If they are more concerned about themselves than about Christ, avoid them and their message.
Paul’s Thanksgiving and Prayer (Day 2)
Read Philippians 1:3-11
This is the first of many times Paul uses the word joy in his letter. The Philippians were remembered with joy and thanksgiving whenever Paul prayed. By helping Paul, they were helping Christ’s cause. The Philippians were willing to be used by God for whatever he wanted them to do. When others think about you, what comes to their minds? Are you remembered with joy by them? Do your acts of kindness lift up others?
Israel’s Unbelief (Day 21)
Read Romans 9:30-33
The Jews had a worthy goal: to honor God. But they tried to achieve it the wrong way: by rigid and painstaking obedience to the law. Thus, some of them became more dedicated to the law than to God. They thought that if they kept the law, God would have to accept them as His people. But God cannot be controlled. The Jews did not see that their Scriptures, the Old Testament, taught that salvation depended on faith, not on human effort (Genesis 15).
Jesus Tells About His Return (Day 57)
Read Mark 13:24-37
In Jesus’ day the world seemed concrete, dependable, and permanent. These days many people fear its destruction by nuclear war. Jesus tells us, however, that even if the earth passes away, the truth of His words will never be changed or abolished. God and His Word provide the only stability in our unstable world. How short sighted people are who spend all their time and energy learning about this temporary world and accumulating its possessions, while neglecting the Bible and its eternal truths.