
Enjoy our daily devotionals written by Pastor Randy Dubois. These devotionals can be used as another way to grow in your walk with Jesus and to grow in your understanding of God and His Word.



Greetings from Paul (Day 1)

Read 1 Corinthians 1:1-3
   Paul wrote this letter to the church in Corinth while he was visiting Ephesus during his third missionary journey (Acts 19-20). Corinth and Ephesus faced each other across the Aegean Sea. Paul knew the Corinthian church well because he had spent 18 months in Corinth during his second missionary journey (Acts 18). While in Ephesus, he had heard about problems in Corinth. About the same time, a delegation from the Corinthian church had visited Paul to ask his advice about their conflicts. Paul’s purpose for writing was to correct those problems and to answer questions church members had asked in a previous letter.