
Enjoy our daily devotionals written by Pastor Randy Dubois. These devotionals can be used as another way to grow in your walk with Jesus and to grow in your understanding of God and His Word.



Greetings from Paul (Day 27)

Read 2 Corinthians 1:1-2
    Paul visited Corinth on his second missionary journey and founded a church there (Acts 18). He later wrote several letters to the believers in Corinth, two of which are included in the Bible. Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians is lost (1 Corinthians 5), his second letter to them is our book of 1 Corinthians, his third letter is lost (2 Corinthians 2 and 7), and his fourth letter is our book of 2 Corinthians. Second Corinthians was written less than a year after 1 Corinthians.


Adam and Christ Contrasted (Day 11)

Read Romans 5:12-21
   How can we be declared guilty for something Adam did thousands of years ago? Many feel it isn’t fair for God to judge us because of Adam’s sin. Yet each of us confirms our heritage with Adam by our own sins every day. We have the same sinful nature and are prone to rebel against God, and we are judged for the sins we commit. Because we are sinners, it isn’t fairness we need: it is mercy. 


Mark: A Walk With Our Savior (Day 47)

Read Mark 11:12-19
   In this passage, two unusual incidents are related: the cursing of the fig tree and the clearing of the Temple. The cursing of the fig tree was an acted-out parable related to the clearing of the Temple. The Temple was supposed to be a place of worship, but true worship had disappeared. The fig tree showed the promise of fruit, but it produced none. Jesus was showing His anger at religious life without substance. If you claim to have faith without putting it to work in your life, you are like the barren fig tree. Genuine faith has great potential; ask God to help you bear fruit for His kingdom. 
Fig trees, a popular source of inexpensive food in Israel, require three years from the time they are planted until they can bear fruit. Each tree yields a great amount of fruit twice a year, in late spring and in early autumn. This incident occurred early in the spring when the leaves were beginning to bud. The figs normally grow as the leaves fill out, but this tree, though full of leaves, had none. The tree looked promising but offered no fruit. Jesus’ harsh words to the fig tree could be applied to the nation of Israel. Fruitful in appearance only, Israel was spiritually barren. 
   Money changers and merchants did big business during Passover. Those who came from foreign countries had to have their money changed into Temple currency because this was the only money accepted for the Temple tax and for the purchase of sacrificial animals. Often the inflated exchange rate enriched the money changers, and the exorbitant prices of animals made the merchants wealthy. Their stalls were set up in the Temple’s court of the Gentiles, frustrating to the intentions of the non-Jews, who had come to worship God (Isaiah 56). Jesus became angry because God’s house had become a place of extortion and a barrier to Gentiles who wanted to worship. 
   Though Jesus became angry, he did not sin. There is a place for righteous indignation. Christians are right to be upset about sin and injustice and should take a stand against them. Unfortunately, believers are often passive about these important issues and instead get angry over personal insults and petty irritations. Make sure your anger is directed toward the right issues.