
Enjoy our daily devotionals written by Pastor Randy Dubois. These devotionals can be used as another way to grow in your walk with Jesus and to grow in your understanding of God and His Word.

The Potter and the Clay (Day 33)

Read Jeremiah 18:1-23
   As the potter molded or shaped a clay pot on the potter’s wheel, defects often appeared. The potter had the power over the clay, to permit the defects to remain or to reshape the pot. Likewise, God had power to reshape the nation to conform to His purposes. Our strategy should not be to become mindless and passive, but to be willing and receptive to God’s impact on us. As we yield to God, He begins reshaping us into valuable vessels. 


Observing the Sabbath (Day 32)

Read Jeremiah 17:11-27
   There is a right way and a wrong way to do any task. Jeremiah says that the person who becomes rich by unjust means will end up foolish and poor. Whether at work, school, or play, we should strive to be honest in all our dealings. Getting a promotion, passing an exam, or gaining prestige by dishonest means will never bring God’s blessing or lasting happiness. 


Judah’s Sin and Punishment (Day 31)

Read Jeremiah 17:1-10
   God’s people continued to sin even though they had the law, the prophets of God, and history replete with God’s miracles. How could they do that? Why do we continue in sin even though we understand the eternal consequences? Jeremiah says the heart is deceitful. And their evil ways are inscribed with a diamond point on their stony hearts. The Hebrews symbolized the various aspects of a person by locating them in certain physical organs. The heart was the organ of reason, intelligence, and will. So deep is our tendency to sin that only God’s redemption can deliver us. 


Hope Despite the Disaster (Day 30)

Read Jeremiah 16:14-21
   The book of Exodus records God’s miraculous rescue of His people from Egyptian slavery (Exodus 1-15). The people’s return from exile would be so momentous that it would overshadow even the exodus from Egypt. Even though His people had been so stubborn, God would once again show His great mercy. 


Judah’s Coming Punishment (Day 29)

Read Jeremiah 16:1-13
   In Jeremiah’s culture, it was unthinkable not to show grief publicly. The absence of mourning showed the people how complete their devastation would be. So many people would die that it would be impossible to carry out customary mourning rituals for all of them.




Paul’s Joy at the Church’s Repentance (Day 41)

Read 2 Corinthians 7:1-16
   Cleansing is a two-fold action: turning away from sin, and turning toward God. The Corinthians were to have nothing to do with paganism. They were to make a clean break with their past and give themselves to God alone. 


Unity Through Humility (Day 6)

Read Philippians 2:1-4
   Selfishness can ruin a church, but genuine humility can build it. Being humble involves having a true perspective about ourselves (Romans 12). It does not mean that we should put ourselves down. Before God, we are sinners, saved only by God’s grace, but we are saved and therefore have great worth in God’s kingdom. We are to lay aside selfishness and treat others with respect and common courtesy. Considering others’ interests as more important than our own links us with Christ, who was a true example of humility. 


God’s Mercy is for Everyone (Day 25)

Read Romans 11:25-36
   Some say the phrase “and so all Israel will be saved” means that the majority of Jews in the final generation before Christ’s return will turn to Christ for salvation. Others say that Paul is using the term Israel to refer to the “spiritual” nation of Israel, which is comprised of Jews and Gentiles who have received salvation through faith in Christ. Thus, “all Israel,” or all believers, will receive God’s promised gift of salvation. Still others say that “all Israel” means Israel as a whole will have a role in Christ’s kingdom. The Jew’s identity as a people won’t be discarded. God chose the nation of Israel, and He has never rejected it. He also chose the church through Jesus Christ, and He will never reject it either. The privileges and invitation of God given to Israel can never be withdrawn. This does not mean, of course, that all Jews or all church members will be saved. It is possible to be Jewish or to belong to a church without ever responding to faith. But just because some people have rejected Christ does not mean that God stops working with either Israel or the church. He continues to offer salvation freely to all. Still others say that the phrase “and so” means “in this way” or “this is how,” referring to the necessity of faith in Christ.


Jesus Betrayed And Arrested (Day 61)

Read Mark 14:43-65
   Judas was given a small arresting party of police and soldiers (John 18) in order to seize Jesus and bring Him before the religious court for trial. The religious leaders had issued a warrant for Jesus’ arrest, and Judas was acting as Jesus’ official accuser.