Enjoy our daily devotionals written by Pastor Randy Dubois. These devotionals can be used as another way to grow in your walk with Jesus and to grow in your understanding of God and His Word.
Paul’s Change of Plans (Day 29)
Read 2 Corinthians 1:12-24
Paul knew the importance of honesty and sincerity in word and action, especially in a situation as in Corinth, where constructive criticism was necessary. So Paul did not come with impressive human knowledge. God wants us to be real and transparent in all our relationships. If we aren’t, we may end up lowering ourselves to spreading rumors, gossiping, and second guessing.
Freedom to Obey God (Day 13)
Read Romans 6:15-23
To obey with all your heart means to give yourself fully to God, to love Him with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind (Matthew 22:37). And yet so often our efforts to know and obey God’s commands can best be described as halfhearted. How do you rate your heart’s obedience? God wants to give you the power to obey Him with all your heart.
Mark: A Walk With Our Savior (Day 49)
Read Mark 11:27-33
The religious leaders asked Jesus who gave Him the authority to chase away the merchants and money changers. Their question was a trap. If Jesus said His authority was from God, they would accuse Him of blasphemy; if He said His authority was His own, they would dismiss Him as a fanatic. To expose their real motives, Jesus countered their question with a question about John the Baptist. The leaders’ silence proved that they were not interested in the truth. They simply wanted to get rid of Jesus because He was undermining their authority.