Paul’s Final Instructions (Day 34)

Read Romans 16:17-27
    When we read books or listen to sermons, we should check the content of what is written or said so that we won’t be fooled by smooth talk and glowing words. Christians who study God’s Word, asking Him to reveal the truth, will not be fooled, even though superficial Christians may easily be taken in (Acts 17). 

Paul Greets His Friends (Day 33)

Read Romans 16:1-16
   Phoebe was known as a deaconess, or servant and helper. Apparently she was a wealthy person who helped support Paul’s ministry. Phoebe was highly regarded in the church, and she may have delivered this letter from Corinth to Rome. This provides evidence that women had important roles in the early church. Cenchrea, the town where Phoebe lived, was the eastern port of Corinth, six miles from the city center. 

Paul’s Travel Plans (Day 32)

Read Romans 15:23-33
   Paul was referring to the completion of his work in Corinth, the city from which he most likely wrote this letter. Most of Paul’s three month stay in Achaia (Acts 20) was probably spent in Corinth. He believed that he had accomplished what God wanted him to do there, and he was looking forward to taking the Gospel to new lands west of Rome. When Paul eventually went to Rome, however, it was as a prisoner (Acts 28). Traditions says that Paul was released for a time and that he used this opportunity to carry the Gospel as far as Spain, and possibly, the British Isles. This journey is not mentioned in the book of Acts, as Acts ends with Paul under house arrest. 

Paul’s Reason for Writing (Day 31)

Read Romans 15:14-22
   Paul was enthusiastic about what God had done through him. Being proud of God’s work is not a sin: It is worship. If you are not sure whether your pride is selfish or not, ask yourself this question: Am I just as proud of what God is doing through other people as of what He is doing through me? 

Living to Please Others (Day 30)

Read Romans 15:1-13
   If we merely set out to please our neighbors, we will be people pleasers. Paul was opposed to that (Galatians 1). We are to set aside willfulness and self-pleasing actions for the sake of building others up. Our Christian convictions must not be a disguise for coldhearted treatment of our brothers and sisters.