Mark: A Walk With Our Savior (Day 45)

Read Mark 10:46-52
   Jericho was a popular resort city rebuilt by Herod the Great in the Judean desert, not far from the Jordan River crossing. Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem, and, after crossing over from Perea, He would naturally enter Jericho. 
Beggars were a common sight in most towns. Because most occupations of that day required physical labor, anyone with a crippling disease or disability was at a severe disadvantage and was usually forced to beg, even though God’s laws commanded care for such needy people (Leviticus 25). Blindness was considered a curse from God for sin (John 9), but Jesus refuted this idea when He reached out to heal the blind. 
   “Son of David” was a popular way of addressing Jesus as the Messiah, because it was known that the Messiah would be a descendant of King David (Isaiah 9). The fact that Bartimaeus called Jesus the Son of David shows that he recognized Jesus as the Messiah. His faith in Jesus as the Messiah brought about his healing.

Mark: A Walk With Our Savior (Day 44)

Read Mark 10:35-45
   The disciples, like most Jews of that day, had the wrong idea of the Messiah’s kingdom as predicted by the Old Testament prophets. They thought Jesus would establish an earthly kingdom that would free Israel from Rome’s oppression, and James and John wanted honored places in it. But Jesus’ kingdom is not of this world; it is not centered in palaces and thrones but in the hearts and lives of His followers. The disciples did not understand this until after Jesus’ resurrection. 
   James and John said they were willing to face any trial for Christ. Both did suffer: James died as a martyr (Acts 12), and John was forced to live in exile (Revelation 1). It is easy to say we will endure anything for Christ, and yet most of us complain about the most minor problems. We may say we are willing to suffer for Christ, but are we willing to suffer the minor irritations that sometimes com with serving others? 
Jesus didn’t ridicule James and John for asking, but He denied their request. We can feel free to ask God for anything, but our request may be denied. God wants to give us what is best for us, not merely what we want. He denies some requests for our own good. 
   Verse 45 reveals not only the motive for Jesus’ ministry but also the basis for our salvation. A ransom was the price paid to release a slave. Jesus paid a ransom for us because we could not pay it ourselves. His death released all of us from our slavery to sin. The disciples thought Jesus’ life and power would save them from Rome; Jesus said His death would save them from sin, an even greater slavery than Rome’s (1 Peter 1). 
   James and John wanted the highest positions in Jesus’ kingdom. But Jesus told them that true greatness comes in serving others. Peter, one of the disciples who had heard this message, expands this thought in 1 Peter 5:1-4. 
Businesses, organizations, and institutions measure greatness by personal achievement. In Christ’s Kingdom, however, service is the way to get ahead. The desire to be on top will hinder, not help. Rather than seeking to have your needs met, look for ways that you can minister to the needs of others.

Mark: A Walk With Our Savior (Day 43)

Read Mark 10:32-34
   Because Jesus had just spoken to them about facing persecution, the disciples were filled with dread as they thought about what waited for them in Jerusalem. Jesus’ death and resurrection should have come as no surprise to the disciples. Here He clearly explained to them what would happen to Him. Unfortunately, they didn’t really hear what He was saying. Jesus said He was the Messiah, but they thought the Messiah would be a conquering king. He spoke to them of resurrection, but they heard only the words about His death. Because Jesus often spoke in parables, the disciples may have thought that His words on death and resurrection were just another parable they weren’t astute enough to understand. Jesus’ predictions of His death and resurrection show that these events were God’s plan from the beginning and not accidents.

Mark: A Walk With Our Savior (Day 42)

Read Mark 10:17-31
   When Jesus asked this young man, “Why do you call me good?’ Jesus was saying “Do you really know the one whom you are talking to?” Because only God is truly good, the man was calling Jesus “good” whether or not he realized it. 
What does your money mean to you? Although Jesus wanted this man to sell everything and give his money to the poor, this does not mean that all believers should sell all their possessions. Most of His followers did not sell everything, although they used their possessions to serve others. Instead, this incident shows us that we must not let our possessions or money keep us from following Jesus. We must remove all barriers to serving Him fully. If Jesus asked, could you give up your house? Your car? Your level of income? Your position or promotion? Your reaction may show your attitude toward money: whether it is your servant or your master. 
   Jesus showed genuine love for this man, even though He knew that the man might not follow Him. Love is able to give tough advice; it doesn’t hedge on the truth. Christ loved us enough to die for us, and He also loves us enough to talk straight to us. If His love were superficial, He would only give us His approval; but because His love is complete, He gives life-changing challenges. 
   Jesus said it was very difficult for the rich to enter the Kingdom of God because the rich, having their basic physical needs met, often become self reliant. When they feel empty, they buy something new to try and fill that void that only God can fill. Their abundance and self-sufficiency become their deficiency. The person who has everything on earth can still lack what is most important: eternal life. 
   This man wanted to be sure he would get eternal life, so he asked what he could do. He said he’d never once broken any of the laws Jesus mentioned, and perhaps he had even kept the Pharisees’ loop-hole filled version of them. But Jesus lovingly broke through the man’s pride with a challenge that brought out his true motives. This challenge exposed the barrier that could keep this man out of the Kingdom: his money. Money represented his pride of accomplishment and self-effort. Ironically, his attitude made him unable to keep the first commandment: to let nothing be more important than God (Exodus 20). He could not meet the one requirement Jesus gave: to turn his whole heart and life over to God. This man came to Jesus wondering what he could do; he left seeing what he was unable to do. What barriers are keeping you from turning your life over to Christ? 
   The disciples were amazed. Was not wealth a blessing from God, a reward for being good? This misconception is still common today. Although many believers enjoy material prosperity, many others live in poverty. Wealth is not a sign of faith or partiality on God’s part. 
   Jesus assured the disciples that anyone who gives up something valuable for His sake will be repaid a hundred times over in this life, although not necessarily in the same way. For example, someone may be rejected by his/her family for accepting Christ, but he/she will gain the larger family of believers. Along with these rewards, however, we experience persecution because the world hates God. Jesus emphasized persecution to make sure that we do not selfishly follow Him for the rewards. 
   Jesus explained that in the world to come, the values of this world will be reversed. Those who seek status and importance here will have none in heaven. Those who are humble here will be great in heaven. The corrupt condition of our society encourages confusion in values. We are bombarded by messages that tell us how to be important and how to feel good, and Jesus’ teaching about service to others seems alien. But those who have humbly served others are most qualified to be great in heaven.

Mark: A Walk With Our Savior (Day 41)

Read Mark 10:13-16
   To feel secure, all children need is a loving look and gentle touch from someone who cares. They believe us because they trust us. Jesus said that people should trust in Him with this kind of childlike faith. We do not have to understand all the mysteries of the universe; it should be enough to know that God loves us and provides forgiveness for our sin. This doesn’t mean that we should be childish or immature, but we should trust God with a child’s simplicity and receptivity. 
Jesus was often criticized for spending too much time with the wrong people: children, tax collectors, and sinners (Matthew 9; Luke 15 & 19), Some including the disciples, thought Jesus should be spending more time with important leaders and the devout, because this was the way to improve His position and avoid criticism. But Jesus didn’t need to improve His position. He was God, and He wanted to speak to those who needed Him most.