A Message for Judah’s Kings (Day 38)

Read Jeremiah 22:1-30
   God gave the king the basis for rebuilding the nation: turn from evil and do right. Doing what is right is more than simply believing all the right doctrines about God. It means living in obedience to God. Good deeds do not save us, but they display our faith (James 2). 

No Deliverance from Babylon (Day 37)

Read Jeremiah 21:1-14
   Chapters 21 thru 28, concerns Jeremiah’s messages to Israel on Nebuchadnezzar’s attacks on Jerusalem between 588 and 586 B.C. (2 Kings 25). King Zedekiah decided to rebel against Nebuchadnezzar (2 Kings 24), and the nobles advised allying with Egypt. Jeremiah pronounced judgment on the kings and false prophets for leading the people astray. 

Jeremiah’s Complaint (Day 36)

Read Jeremiah 20:7-18
   Jeremiah cried out in despair mixed with praise, unburdening his heart to God. He had faithfully proclaimed God’s Word and had received nothing in return but persecution and sorrow. Yet when he withheld God’s Word for a while, it became fire in his bones until he could hold it back no longer. When God’s living message of forgiveness and love becomes fire in your bones, you also will feel compelled to share it with others, regardless of the results.

Jeremiah and Pashhur (Day 35)

Read Jeremiah 20:1-6
   This event took place during the reign of Jerhoiakim of Judah. Jeremiah preached at the valley of Hinnom, the center of idolatry in the city. He also preached in the Temple, which should have been the center of true worship. Both places attracted many people; both are were places of false worship. 

Jeremiah’s Shattered Jar (Day 34)

Read Jeremiah 19:1-15
   The valley of Hinnom was the garbage dump of Jerusalem and the place where children were sacrificed to the god Molech. Topheth was located in the valley and means “fireplace” and was probably where children were burned as sacrifices.