Jeremiah’s Escape from Death (Day 43)

Read Jeremiah 26:1-24
   God reminded Jeremiah that He wanted His entire message given; every word. Jeremiah may have been tempted to leave out the parts that would turn his audience against him, sound too harsh, or make him sound like a traitor. But by God’s command, he was not to delete parts of God’s message to suit himself, his audience, or the circumstances in which he found himself. Like Jeremiah, we must never ignore or exclude important parts of God’s Word to please someone. 

Seventy Years of Captivity (Day 42)

Read Jeremiah 25:1-38
   Jeremiah gave this message in 605 B.C., the year Nebuchadnezzar came to power. Jeremiah began his ministry in 627 B.C. He predicted 70 years of captivity a full 20 years before they began. 

Good and Bad Figs (Day 41)

Read Jeremiah 24:1-10
   In 597 B.C. Jehoiachin was taken to Babylon, and Zedekiah became king. Often royal officials were exiled to keep them from exerting power and starting a rebellion. Skilled craftsmen were taken because they were valuable for Babylon’s building program. 

Judgement on False Prophets (Day 40)

Read Jeremiah 23:9-40
   How did a nation become so corrupt? A major factor was false prophecy. The false prophets had a large, enthusiastic audience and were very popular because they made the people believe that all was well. By contrast, Jeremiah’s message from God was unpopular because it showed the people how bad they were. 

The Righteous Branch (Day 39)

Read Jeremiah 23:1-8
   Those responsible to lead Israel in God’s path were the very ones responsible for Israel’s present plight, and so God had decreed harsh judgment against them. Leaders are held responsible for those entrusted to their care. Whom has God placed in your care? Remember that you are accountable to God for those you influence and lead.