Hope for Restoration (Day 48)

Read Jeremiah 31:1-14
   This promise is to all the families of Israel, not only to the tribe of Judah. The restoration will include all people who trust God.

Promises of Deliverance (Day 47)

Read Jeremiah 30:1-24
   Like Isaiah, Jeremiah associated events of the near future and those of the distant future. Reading these prophecies is like looking at several mountain peaks in a range. From a distance they look as though they are next to each other, when actually they are miles apart. Jeremiah presents near and distant events as if they will all happen soon. He sees the exile, buthe sees also the future day when Christ will reign forever. The reference to David, in verse 9, is not to King David, but to his famous descendant, the Messiah (Luke 1). 

A Letter to the Exiles (Day 46)

Read Jeremiah 29:1-32
   Jeremiah wrote to the captives in Babylon instructing them to move ahead with their lives and to pray for the pagan nation that enslaved them. Life cannot grind to a halt during troubled times. In an unpleasant or distressing situation, we must adjust and keep moving. You may find it difficult to pray for those in authority if they are evil, but that is when your prayers are most needed (1 Timothy 2). When you enter times of trouble or sudden change, pray diligently and move ahead, doing whatever you can rather than giving up because of fear and uncertainty. 

Jeremiah Condemns Hananiah (Day 45)

Read Jeremiah 28:1-17
   Jeremiah spoke the truth, but it was unpopular; Hananiah spoke lies, but his deceitful words brought false hope and comfort to the people. God had already outlined the marks of a true prophet (Deuteronomy 13 and 18): A true prophet’s predictions always come true, and his words never contradict previous revelation. Jeremiah’s predictions were already coming true, from Hananiah’s death to the Babylonian invasions. But, as even still to day, the people still preferred to listen to comforting lies rather than painful truth.

Jeremiah Wears an Ox Yoke (Day 44)

Read Jeremiah 27:1-22
   God punished the people of Judah in an unusual way, by appointing a foreign ruler to be His servan. Nebuchadnezzar was not appointed to proclaim God’s message, but to fulfill God’s promise of judgment on sin. Because God is in control of all events, He uses whomever He wants. God may use unlikely people or circumstances to correct you. Be ready to accept God’s guidance, even if it comes from unexpected resources.