Promises of Peace and Prosperity (Day 53)

Read Jeremiah 33:1-26
   God assured Jeremiah that he had only to ask God and God would answer (Psalm 145; Isaiah 58; Matthew 7). God is ready to answer our prayers, but we must ask for His assistance. Surely God could take care of our needs without our asking. But when we ask, we are acknowledging that He alone is God and that we cannot accomplish in our own strength all that is His domain can do. When we ask, we must humble ourselves, lay aside our willfulness and worry, and determine to obey Him. 

A Prediction of Jerusalem’s Fall and Restoration (Day 52)

Read Jeremiah 32:26-44
   These pagan shrines were where the most important and grotesque part of Molech worship took place. Children were offered in sacrifice to this pagan god. 

Jeremiah’s Prayer (Day 51)

Read Jeremiah 32:16-25
   After Jeremiah bought the field, he began to wonder if such a move was wise. He sought relief in prayer from his nagging doubts. In this prayer, Jeremiah affirmed that God is the Creator in heaven and earth, the wise Judge, who is aware of our conduct, and our Redeemer, who has great power. God loves us and sees our situation. Whenever we doubt God’s wisdom or wonder if it is practical to obey Him, we can review what we already know about Him. Such thoughts and prayers will quiet our doubts and calm our fears.

Jeremiah’s Land Purchase (Day 50)

Read Jeremiah 32:1-15
   God told Jeremiah to buy a field outside Jerusalem. The city had been under siege for a year, and Jeremiah bought land that the soldiers occupied: certainly a poor investment. In addition, Jeremiah was a prisoner in the palace. But Jeremiah was demonstrating his faith in God’s promises to bring His people back and to rebuild Jerusalem. 

Rachel’s Sadness Turns to Joy (Day 49)

Read Jeremiah 31:15-40
   Rachel, Jacob’s favorite wife, was the symbolic mother of the northern tribes, which were taken into captivity by the Assyrians. Rachel is pictured crying for exiles at Ramah, a staging point of deportation. This verse is quoted in Matthew 2:18 to describe the sadness of the mothers of Bethlehem as the male children were killed. The weeping was great in both cases.