Posted on Aug 26, 2018 in Jeremiah: A Walk of Sorrow for a Sinful People |
Read Jeremiah 46:1-28
At the battle of Carchemish in 605 B.C., Babylon and Egypt, the two major world powers after Assyria’s fall, clashed. The Babylonians entered Carchemish by surprise and defeated Egypt. This battle, which passed world leadership to Babylon, was Nebuchadnezzar’s first victory, establishing him in his new position as king of the Babylonian Empire. With Egypt’s power declining, it was both poor strategy and disobedience to God for Judah to form an alliance with Egypt.
Posted on Aug 26, 2018 in General, Jeremiah: A Walk of Sorrow for a Sinful People |
Read Jeremiah 45:1-5
Baruch had long been serving this unpopular prophet, writing his book of struggles and judgments, and now he was upset. God told Baruch to take his eyes off himself and whatever rewards he thought he deserved. If Baruch did this, God would protect him. It is easy to lose the joy of serving our God when we take our eyes off Him. The more we look away from God’s purposes toward our own sacrifices, the more frustrated we will become. As you serve God, beware of focusing on what you are giving up. When this happens, ask God’s forgiveness; then look to Him rather than at yourself.
Posted on Aug 13, 2018 in Jeremiah: A Walk of Sorrow for a Sinful People |
Read Jeremiah 44:1-30
This message, given in 580 B.C., while Jeremiah was in Egypt against his will, reminded the people that their idolatry had brought destruction on their land. Jeremiah told them that they would never return to Judah because the escape to Egypt had been against God’s advice. But the people refused to learn any lessons from all the destruction their sins had caused.
Posted on Aug 13, 2018 in Jeremiah: A Walk of Sorrow for a Sinful People |
Read Jeremiah 43:1-13
Johanan and his tiny band had come to Jeremiah for God’s approval of their plan, not for God’s direction. This is a recurring problem for some of us: seeking God’s approval of our desires rather than asking him for guidance. It is not good to make plans apart from God’s guidance, and it is not good to pray unless we are willing to accept God’s answer.
Posted on Aug 13, 2018 in Jeremiah: A Walk of Sorrow for a Sinful People |
Read Jeremiah 42:1-22
Johanan and his associates spoke their own curse; Jeremiah merely elaborated on it. It was a tragic mistake to ask for God’s guidance with no intention of following it. Be sure to never ask God for something that you know in your heart you really do not want. It is better not to pray than to pray hypocritically. God cannot be deceived.