Posted on Aug 26, 2018 in Jeremiah: A Walk of Sorrow for a Sinful People |
Read Jeremiah 50:1-3
The nation from the north was Medo-Persia, an alliance of Media and Persia that would become the next world power. Cyrus took the city of Babylon by surprise and brought the nation to its knees in 539 B.C. (Daniel 5). The complete destruction of the city was accomplished by later Persian kings.
Posted on Aug 26, 2018 in Jeremiah: A Walk of Sorrow for a Sinful People |
Read Jeremiah 49:23-39
Damascus was the capital of Aram, north of Israel. This city was defeated by both Assyria and Babylon. Nebuchadnezzar attacked and defeated Damascus in 605 B.C. (Amos 1). It is difficult to attribute the defeat of the army to a particular event, but God utterly destroyed Aram.
Posted on Aug 26, 2018 in Jeremiah: A Walk of Sorrow for a Sinful People |
Read Jeremiah 49:1-22
The Ammonites were descendants of Lot through an incestuous relationship with one of his daughters, as were the Moabites (Genesis 19). They were condemned for stealing land from God’s people and for worshiping the idol Molech, to whom they made child sacrifices.
Posted on Aug 26, 2018 in Jeremiah: A Walk of Sorrow for a Sinful People |
Read Jeremiah 48:1-47
The Moabites were descendants of Lot through an incestuous relationship with one of his daughters (Genesis 19). They led the Israelites into idolatry (Numbers 25) and joined the bands of raiders Nebuchadnezzar sent into Judah in 602 B.C. They were later conquered by Babylon and disappeared as a nation.
Posted on Aug 26, 2018 in Jeremiah: A Walk of Sorrow for a Sinful People |
Read Jeremiah 47:1-7
Located on the coastal plain next to Judah, Philistia had always been a thorn in Israel’s side. The two nations battled constantly. Other prophets who spoke against Philistia are Isaiah (Isaiah 14), Ezekiel (Ezekiel 25), Amos (Amos 1), and Zephaniah (Zephaniah 2).