Posted on Jul 8, 2018 in Jeremiah: A Walk of Sorrow for a Sinful People |
Read Jeremiah 15:10-21
Jeremiah accused God of not helping him when he really needed it. Jeremiah had taken his eyes off God’s purposes and was feeling sorry for himself. He was angry, hurt, and afraid. In response, God didn’t get angry at Jeremiah; He answered by rearranging Jeremiah’s priorities. As God’s mouthpiece, he was to influence the people, not let them influence him. There are three important lessons in this section: 1) In prayer we can reveal our deepest thoughts to God; 2) God expects us to trust Him, no matter what; 3) we are here to influence others for God, not for others to influence us away from God.
Posted on Jul 8, 2018 in Jeremiah: A Walk of Sorrow for a Sinful People |
Read Jeremiah 15:1-9
Moses and Samuel were two of God’s greatest prophets. Like Jeremiah, both interceded for the people before God (Exodus 32; Numbers 14; 1 Samuel 7 and 12; Psalm 99). Intercession is often effective. In this case, however, the people were so wicked and stubborn that God knew they would not turn to Him.
Posted on Jul 8, 2018 in Jeremiah: A Walk of Sorrow for a Sinful People |
Read Jeremiah 14:1-22
Drought was a judgment with devastating consequences. As usual, when their backs were to the wall, the people cried out to God. But God rejected their plea because they did not repent; they merely wanted His rescue. Not even Jeremiah’s prayers would help. Their only hope was to repent and turn back to God.
Posted on Jul 8, 2018 in Jeremiah: A Walk of Sorrow for a Sinful People |
Read Jeremiah 13:15-27
While it is good to respect our country and our church, our loyalties always carry a hidden danger: arrogance. When is pride harmful? When it causes us to 1) look down on others; 2) be selfish with our resources; 3) force our solutions on others’ problems; 4) think God is blessing us because of our own merits; 5) be content with our plans rather than seeking God’s plans.
Posted on Jul 8, 2018 in Jeremiah: A Walk of Sorrow for a Sinful People |
Read Jeremiah 13:1-14
A linen belt was one of the more intimate pieces of clothing, clinging close to the body. It was like underwear. Jeremiah’s action showed how God would ruin Judah just as Jeremiah had ruined the linen belt.