Read Luke 9:11-17

The kingdom of God was a focal point of Jesus’ teaching. He explained that it was not just a future kingdom; it was among them, embodied in Him, the Messiah. Even though the kingdom will not be complete until He returns again in glory, you do not have to wait to taste it. The kingdom of God begins in the hearts of those who believe in Jesus. It is as present with us today as it was with the disciples almost 2,000 years ago.
Jesus had quietly tried to slip away from the crowds, but they found out where He was going and followed Him. Instead of showing impatience at this interruption, Jesus welcomed the people and ministered to their needs. How do you see people who interrupt your schedule – as nuisances or as opportunities to minister?
When the disciples expressed concern about where the crowd of thousands would eat, Jesus offered a surprising statement: “You feed them.” The disciples protested, focusing their attention on what they didn’t have, food or money. Do you think that God would ask you to do something that you and He together couldn’t handle? Don’t let your lack of resources blind you to God’s power.
Why did Jesus bother to feed these people? He could have easily just sent them on their way. But Jesus does not ignore needs. He is concerned with every aspect of our lives. As you work to bring wholeness to people’s lives, you must never ignore the fact that all of us have both spiritual and physical needs. It is impossible to minister effectively to one type of need without considering the other.


Read Luke 9:1 – 10

Jesus announced God’s kingdom by both preaching and healing. If He had limited Himself to preaching, people might have seen His kingdom as spiritual only. On the other hand, if He had healed without preaching, people might not have realized the spiritual importance of His mission. Most of His listeners expected a Messiah who would bring wealth and power to their nation; they preferred material benefits to spiritual discernment.
The truth about Jesus is that He is both God and man, both physical and spiritual; and salvation, that He offers, is both for the soul and the body. Any group that emphasizes soul at the expense of the body, or the body at the expense of the soul, is in danger of distorting Jesus’ Good News.
The disciples were told to stay in only one home in each town because they were not to offend their hosts by moving to a home that was more comfortable or socially prominent. To remain in one home was not a burden for the homeowner, because the disciples’ stay in each community was short.
Jesus’ methods of leadership is to be noted here: 1) He (Jesus) empowered them, 2) He gave them specific instructions so they knew what to do, 3) He told them how to deal with tough times, 4) and, He held them accountable. As you lead others, study Jesus’ leadership pattern. Which of these elements do you need to incorporate into your leadership?

Why were the disciples instructed to depend on others while they went out from town to town preaching the Good News? Their purpose was to blanket Judea with Jesus’ message, and by traveling light they could move more quickly. Their dependence on others had other good effects as well: 1) It clearly showed the Messiah had not come to offer wealth to His followers; 2) it forced the disciples to rely on God’s power and not on their own provision; 3) it involved the villagers and made them more eager to hear the message. This was an excellent approach for the disciples’ short-term mission; it was not intended, however, to be a permanent way of life for them.
Shaking the dust of unaccepting towns from their feet had deep cultural implications. Pious Jews would do this after passing through Gentile cities to show their separation from Gentile practices. If the disciples shook the dust of a Jewish town from their feet it would show their separation from Jews who rejected the Messiah. This action also showed that the disciples were not responsible for how the people responded to their message. Neither are you responsible if you have carefully and truthfully presented Christ, but your message is rejected. Like the disciples, you must move on to others whom God desires to reach.
It was so difficult for the people to accept Jesus as the Son of God that they tried to come up with other solutions. Many thought that He must be some one who had come back to life. Some suggested that He was Elijah. Very few found the correct answer. For many people today, it is still not easy to accept Jesus as fully human yet the fully divine Son of God. People are still trying to find alternative explanations; a great prophet, a radical leader, a rabal-rouser. But none of these explanations can account for Jesus’ miracles or especially His glorious resurrection. In the end, the attempts to explain away Jesus are far more difficult to believe than the truth.


Read Luke 8:40 – 56

The synagogue wa the local center of worship. The synagogue leader was responsible for administration, building maintenance, and worship supervision. It would have been quite unusual for a respected synagogue leader to fall at the feet of an itinerant preacher and beg him to heal his daughter. Jesus honored the man’s humble faith.
On his way to the leader’s house, Jesus was touched by a bleeding woman. It isn’t that Jesus didn’t know who had touched Him; it’s that He wanted the woman to step forward and identify herself. Jesus wanted to teach her that His cloak did not have magical powers; it was her faith in Him that had healed her. He may also wanted to teach the crowds a lesson.
According to Jewish law, a man who touched a menstruating woman became ceremonially unclean. This was true whether her bleeding was normal or, as in this woman’s case, the result of an abnormal condition. To protect themselves from defilement, Jewish men carefully avoided touching, speaking to, or even looking at a woman. By contrast, Jesus proclaimed to hundreds of people that this “unclean” woman, had touched Him – and then He healed her. In Jesus’ mind, this suffering woman was not to be overlooked. As God’s creation she deserved attention and respect.
Many people surrounded Jesus as He made His way to Jairus’s house. It was virtually impossible to get through the multitude, but this woman fought her way desperately through the crowd in order to touch Jesus. As soon as she did so, she was healed. What a difference there is between the crowds that are curious about Jesus and the few who reach out and touch Him!
Today, many people are familiar with who Jesus is, but nothing in their lives is changed by knowing He is God’s Son. It is only faith in Christ that releases God’s healing power. Are you just curious about God, or do you reach out to Him in faith, knowing that His mercy will bring healing to your body, soul, and spirit.
Now back to Jairus. Jairus got word that his daughter has died. He could have had resentment toward Jesus for stopping to heal a woman, but Jesus gave him reassurance. Sometimes we may think God is too late in handling our problems, but God is never late. Jesus was not late; He was right on time, according to His time schedule. As a result a miracle and a blessing occurred. If you are experiencing difficult times, don’t give up; Jesus is on His way. Sometimes we give up and miss out on a great blessing, when Jesus is right at our doorstep. Jesus told Jairus and his wife not to talk about their daughter’s healing because He knew the facts would speak for themselves. Besides, Jesus was not concerned for His ministry. He did not want to be known as just a miracle worker; He wanted people to listen to His words that could heal their broken spiritual lives.


Read Luke 8: 26 – 39

The land of the Geresenes was a gentile region southwest of the Sea of Galilee, home of ten cities, called the Decapolis. These were Greek cities that belonged to no country and were self-governing. Although Jews would not have raised pigs because the Jewish religion considered them unclean, the Gentiles had no such aversion.
These demons recognized Jesus and His authority immediately. They knew who Jesus was and what His power could do to them. Demons, Satan’s messengers, are powerful and destructive. Still active today, they attempt to distort and destroy people’s relationship with God. Demons and demon possession are real. It is vital that believers recognize the power of Satan and His demons, but you shouldn’t let curiosity lead you to get involved with demonic sources. Demons are powerless against those who trust in Jesus. If you resist the devil, he will leave you alone.
The demon’s name was Legion. A legion was the largest unit in the Roman army, having between 3,000 and 6,000 soldiers. The man was possessed by not one but many demons.
The demons begged Jesus to spare them from the bottomless pit, which is mentioned in Revelation 9:1 and 20:1-3 as the place of confinement for Satan and his demons. The demons, of course, knew all about this place of confinement, and they didn’t want to go there.
Why wouldn’t Jesus destroy these demons or just send them to the bottomless pit? Because the time of such work had not yet come. Jesus healed many people of the destructive effects of demon possession, but He did not yet destroy the demons. The same question could be asked today – why doesn’t stop all the evil in this world? His time for that has not yet come.

The demons destroyed the pigs, which hurt the finances of those tending the pigs, but can money and pigs compare to a human life? A man had been freed from the devil’s power, but the people thought only about their livestock. People have always tended to value financial gain above needy people. Throughout history most wars have been fought to protect economic interests. Much injustice and oppression, both home and abroad, is the direct result of some individual’s or company’s urge to get rich. People are continually being sacrificed to the god of money. Don’t think more highly of “pigs” than of people. Think carefully about how your decisions will affect other human beings, and be willing to choose a simpler life style if it will keep other people from being harmed.
Often Jesus asked those being healed to be quiet about the healing, but He urged this man to return to his family and tell them what God has done for him. Why? 1) Jesus knew the man would be an effective witness to those who knew his previous condition and could attest to his miraculous healing. 2) Jesus wanted to expand His ministry by introducing His message to the gentile area. 3) Jesus knew that the Gentiles, since they were not expecting a Messiah, would not divert His ministry by trying to crown Him king. When God touches your life, don’t be afraid to share the wonderful events with your family and friends.


Read Luke 8:22 – 25

The Sea of Galilee is even today the scene of fierce storms, sometimes with waves as high as twenty feet. Jesus’ disciples were not frightened without cause. Even though several of them were expert fishermen and knew how to handle a boat, their peril was real.
When caught in the storms of life, it is easy to think God has lost control and you’re at the mercy of the winds of fate. In reality, God is sovereign. He controls the history of the world as well as our personal destiny. Just as Jesus calmed the waves, He can calm whatever storms you may face.