Read Luke 10:25-37

The expert in religious law correctly understood that the law demanded total devotion to God and love for one’s neighbor.
But there was a deep hatred between Jews and Samaritans. The Jews saw themselves as pure descendants of Abraham, while Samaritans were a mixed race produced when Jews from the Northern Kingdom intermarried with gentile peoples after Israel’s exile. To this legal expert, the person least likely to act correctly would be the Samaritan. In fact, he could not bear to say Samaritan in his answer to Jesus’ question. This expert’s attitude betrayed his lack of the very thing that he had earlier said the law commanded – love.
The legal expert viewed the wounded man as a topic for discussion; the bandits, as an object to exploit; the priest, as a problem to avoid; and the Levite, or Temple assistant, as an object of curiosity. Only the Samaritan treated him as a person to love.
From the illustration you learn three principles about loving your neighbor: 1) Lack of love is often easy to justify, even though it is never right; 2) our neighbor is anyone of any race, creed, or social background who is in need; and 3) love means acting to meet the person’s need. Wherever you live, there are needy people close by. There is no good reason for refusing to help.


Read Luke 10:17-24

The disciples had seen tremendous results as they ministered in Jesus’ name and with His authority. They were elated with the victories they had witnessed, and Jesus shared their enthusiasm. He helped them get their priorities right, however, by reminding them of their most important victory – that their names were registered in heaven. This honor was more important than any of their accomplishments. As you see God’s wonders at work in and through you, you should not lose sight of the greatest wonder of all – your salvation and citizenship in heaven.
Jesus mentions “Satan falling from heaven as a flash of lightening.” Jesus may have been warning His disciples against pride. Satan’s pride led to his fall and all the evil we see on earth today. To Jesus’ disciples, who were thrilled with their power over evil spirits, Jesus may have been giving this stern warning: “Yours is the kind of pride that led to Satan’s downfall. Be careful!”
Jesus thanked God that spiritual truth was for everyone and not just for the elite. Many of life’s rewards seem to go to the intelligent, the rich, the good looking, or the powerful, but the kingdom of God is equally available to all, regardless of position and abilities. You come to Jesus, not through strength or brains, but through childlike trust. Jesus is not opposed to engaging in scholarly pursuits; He is opposed to spiritual pride. You need to thank God that everyone has equal access to Him. Trust in God’s grace, not in your personal qualifications, for your salvation.
Christ’s mission was to reveal God the Father to people. His words brought difficult ideas down to earth. He explained God’s love through stories, teachings, and, most of all, His life. By examining Jesus’ actions, principles, and attitudes, you can understand God more clearly.
The disciples had a fantastic opportunity – they were eye witnesses of Christ, the Son of God. But for many months they took Jesus for granted, not really listening to Him or obeying Him. You also, have a privileged position: the legacy of 2,000 years of church history, the availability of the Bible in hundreds of languages and translations, and access to many excellent pastors and teachers. Yet we take these for granted. Remember, with privilege comes responsibility. Because you are privileged to know so much about Christ, you must be careful to follow Him.


Read Luke 10:1-16

Jesus was sending 36 teams of two to reach the multitudes. These teams were not to try to do the job without help; rather, they were to ask God for more workers. Some people, as soon as they understand the Gospel, want to go to work immediately contacting unsaved people. But this story gives an unique approach to reaching lost people: 1) Begin by mobilizing people to pray. 2) and before praying for unsaved people, pray that other concerned believers will join you to reach out to them.
In Christian service there is no unemployment. God has work enough for everyone. Don’t just sit back and watch others work – look for ways to help with the harvest.
You don’t have to be better educated, more capable, or of higher status than other followers of Christ. What prepared these disciples, and you, for mission was that they had been equipped with Jesus’ power and their vision to reach all the people. It is important to dedicate your skills to God’s kingdom, but you must also be equipped with His power and have a clear vision of what He wants you to do.
Jesus said He was sending out His disciples “as lambs among wolves.” They would have to be careful because they surely would meet with opposition. We, too, are sent out into the world like lambs among wolves. Be alert, and remember to face your enemies, not with aggression, but with love and gentleness. A dangerous mission requires sincere commitment.
Jesus told His disciples to accept hospitality graciously because their world entitled them to it. Ministers of the Gospel deserve to be supported, and it is our responsibility to make certain they have what they need. There are several ways to encourage those who serve God in your church: 1) See that they have an adequate salary; 2) See that they are supported emotionally, by expressing appreciation for what they have done; 3) lift their spirits with special gifts from time to time. Your minister deserves to know you are giving to them cheerfully, and generously.
Jesus gave two rules for the disciples to follow as they travelled. They were to eat what was set before them – that is, accept hospitality without being picky – and they were to heal the sick. Because of this people would be willing to listen to the Good News.
For those who rejected the Good News, they would suffer greater judgement than some of the most wickedest cities of the past.


Read Luke 9:51-62

Although Jesus knew He would face persecution and death in Jerusalem, He was determined to go there. That kind of resolve should characterize your life too. When God gives you a course of action, you must move steadily toward your destination, no matter what potential hazards await you there.
After Assyria invaded Israel, the Northern Kingdom, and resettled it with its people, the mixed race that developed became known as the Samaritans. Pure blooded Jews hated these half-breeds, and the Samaritans hated the Jews. So many tensions arose between the two peoples that Jewish travelers between Galilee and Judea often walked around rather than going through Samaritan territory, even though it lengthened their trip considerably. Jesus had no such prejudices, and He sent messengers ahead to get things ready in the Samaritan village. But the village refused to welcome these Jewish Jewish travelers.
When James and John were rejected by the Samaritan village, they didn’t want to stop at shaking the dust from their feet. They wanted to retaliate by calling fire down from heaven on the people.
When others reject or scorn us, we, too, may feel like retaliating. We must remember that judgment belongs to God, and we must not expect to use His power to carry out our personal vendettas.
True discipleship requires instant action. Jesus did not teach people to forsake responsibilities to family, but He often gave commands to people in light of their real motives. Perhaps some want to delay in following Christ and use circumstances as an excuse. There is a cost to following Jesus, and each of us must be ready to serve, even when it requires sacrifice.
What does Jesus want from you? Total dedication, not half-hearted commitment. You can’t pick and choose among Jesus’ ideas and follow Him selectively; you have to accept the cross among along with the crown, judgement as well as mercy. You must count the cost and be willing to abandon everything else that has given you security. With your focus on Jesus, you should allow nothing to distract you from the manner of living that He calls good and true.


Read Luke 9:49-50


The disciples were jealous. Nine of them together were unable to cast out an evil spirit, but when they saw a man who was not one of their group casting out demons, they told him to stop. Our pride is hurt when someone else succeeds where we have failed, but Jesus says there is no room for such jealously in spiritual warfare of His kingdom. Share Jesus’ open arms attitude toward Christian workers outside your group.