A Plot Against Jeremiah (Day 22)

Read Jeremiah 11:18-23
   To Jeremiah’s surprise, the people of Anathoth, his hometown, were plotting to kill him. They wanted to silence Jeremiah’s message for several reasons: 1) Economic. His condemnation of idol worship would hurt the business of idol makers. 2) Religious. The message of doom and gloom made the people feel depressed and guilty. 3) Political. He openly rebuked their hypocritical politics. And 4) Personal. The people hated him for showing them that they were wrong. Jeremiah had two options: run and hide, or call on God. Jeremiah called, and God answered. Like Jeremiah, we can either run and hide when we face opposition because of our faithfulness to God, or we can call on God to help. Hiding compromises our message; calling on God lets Him reinforce it.