Seventy Years of Captivity (Day 42)

Read Jeremiah 25:1-38
   Jeremiah gave this message in 605 B.C., the year Nebuchadnezzar came to power. Jeremiah began his ministry in 627 B.C. He predicted 70 years of captivity a full 20 years before they began. 
   Imagine preaching the same message for 23 years and continually being rejected. Jeremiah faced this; but because he had committed his life to God, he continued to proclaim the message “Turn from the evil road you are traveling and from the evil things you are doing.” Regardless of the people’s response, Jeremiah did not give up. God never stops loving us, even when we reject Him. We can thank God that He won’t give up on us, and, like Jeremiah, we can commit ourselves to never forsaking Him. No matter how people respond when you tell them about God, remain faithful to God’s high call and continue to witness for Him. 
   Verse 12 is described further in Daniel 5. The troops of Cyrus the Great entered Babylon in 539 B.C. and killed Belshazzar, the last Babylonian ruler. 
   Judah would not be the only nation to drink the cup of God’s anger. In verses 15-38, Jeremiah listed other wicked nations that would experience God’s wrath at the hands of Babylon. Finally, Babylon itself would be destroyed because of its sin.