Read Philippians 2:12-18
Put into action God’s saving work in your lives, in light of the exhortation to unity. The entire church is to work together to rid themselves of divisions and discord. The Philippians Christians needed to be especially careful to obey Christ, not that Paul wasn’t there to continually remind them about what was right. We, too, must be careful about what we believe and how we live, especially when we are on our own. In the absence of our cherished Christian leaders, we must focus our attention and devotion even more on Christ so that we won’t be sidetracked.
What do we do when we don’t feel like obeying? God has not left us alone in our struggles to do His will. He wants to come alongside us and be within us to help. God helps us desire to obey Him and gives us the power to do what He wants. The secret to a changed life is to submit to God’s control and let Him work. Next time ask God to help you desire to do His will.
To be like Christ, we must train ourselves to think like Christ. To change our desires to be more like Christ’s, we need the power of the indwelling Spirit, the influence of faithful Christians, obedience to God’s Word, and sacrificial service. Often it is in doing God’s will that we gain the desire to do it. Do what he wants and trust Him to change your desires.
Why are complaining and arguing so harmful? If all that people know about a church is that its members constantly argue, complain, and gossip, they get a false impression of Christ and the Good News. Belief in Christ should unite those who trust Him. If your church is always complaining and arguing, it lacks the unifying power of Jesus Christ. Stop arguing with other Christians or complaining about people and conditions within the church and let the world see Christ.
Why are complaining and arguing so harmful? If all that people know about a church is that its members constantly argue, complain, and gossip, they get a false impression of Christ and the Good News. Belief in Christ should unite those who trust Him. If your church is always complaining and arguing, it lacks the unifying power of Jesus Christ. Stop arguing with other Christians or complaining about people and conditions within the church and let the world see Christ.
Our life should be characterized by moral purity, patience, and peacefulness, so that we will shine brightly in a dark and depraved world. A transformed life is an effective witness to the power of God’s Word. Is your life shining brightly, or is it clouded by complaining and arguing? Shine out for God.
The drink offering was an important part of the sacrificial system of the Jews (Numbers 28). It signified that a person was giving their all for God; pouring out their entire being into the sacrifice they are making. Paul was saying that he put everything he had into the Philippian church and ministry there in Philippi, and he rejoiced over their faithful service, for his sacrifice was not in vain. Paul regarded his life as a sacrifice. Do you? Are you putting every ounce of your being in serving God?
Even if he had to die, Paul was content, knowing that he had helped the Philippians live for Christ. When you’re totally committed to serving Christ, sacrificing to build the faith of others brings a joyous reward.