All People Are Sinners (Day 7)

Read Romans 3:9-20
   Paul quotes Psalm 14:1-3. “None is righteous” means “no one is innocent.” Every person is valuable in God’s eyes because God created us in His image, and He loves us. But no one is righteous: that is, no one can earn right standing with God. Though valuable, we have fallen into sin. But God, through Jesus His Son, has redeemed us and offers to forgive us if we turn to Him in faith. 
   Paul uses these Old Testament references to show that humanity in general, in its present sinful condition, is unacceptable before God. Have you ever thought to yourself, “Well, I’m not too bad. I’m a pretty good person?” Look at these verses and see if any of them apply to you. Have you ever lied? Have you ever hurt someone’s feelings by your words or tone of voice? Are you bitter toward anyone? Do you become angry with those who strongly disagree with you? In thought, word, and deed, like everyone else in the world, you stand guilty before God. We must remember who we are in His sight: alienated sinners. Don’t deny that you are a sinner. Instead, allow your desperate need to point you toward Christ.
   The last time someone accused you of wrong doing, what was your reaction? Denial, argument, and defensiveness? The entire world will be silent before almighty God. No excuses or arguments will remain. Have you reached the point with God where you are ready to hang up your defenses and await His decision? If you haven’t. stop now and admit your sin to Him. If you have, the rest of Romans is truly good news for you. 
   In these verses we see two functions of God’s law. First, it shows us where we go wrong. Because of the law, we know that we are helpless sinners and that we must come to Jesus Christ for mercy. Second, the moral code revealed in the law can serve to guide our actions by holding up God’s moral standards. We do not earn salvation by keeping the law, but we do please God when our life conforms to His revealed will for us. 
   In this chapter, Paul contends that everyone stands guilty before God. Paul has dismantled the common excuses of people who refuse to admit they are sinners: 1) “There is no God” or “I follow my conscience”; 2) “I’m not as bad as other people;” 3) “I’m a church member” or “I’m a religious person.” No one will be exempt from God’s judgment of sin. Every person must accept the fact that he or she is sinful and condemned before God and receive God’s wonderful gift of salvation. 
   What a depressing picture Paul has painted: pagan Gentiles, humanitarians, and religious people are condemned by our own actions. The law, which God gave to show the way to live, holds up our evil deeds in public view. Is there any hope for us? Yes, says Paul. The law condemns us, it is true, but the law is not the basis of our hope. God Himself is. He, in His righteousness and wonderful love, offers us eternal life. We receive our salvation not through law but through faith in Jesus Christ. We do not or cannot earn it; we accept is as a gift from our loving heavenly Father (Ephesians 2).