Read Luke 22:14-30
In the traditional Passover meal, the wine is served four times. Christ spoke the words about His body and His blood when He offered the fourth cup and last cup.
The Passover commemorated Israel’s escape from Egypt when the blood of a lamb painted on their door frames saved their firstborn sons from death. This event foreshadowed Jesus’ work on the cross. As the spotless Lamb of God, His blood would be spilled in order to save His people from the penalty of death brought by sin.
Jesus asked the disciples to eat the broken bread “in remembrance of me.” He wanted them to remember His sacrifice, the basis for forgiveness of sins, and also His friendship, which they could continue to enjoy through the work of the Holy Spirit. Although the exact meaning of communion has been strongly debated throughout church history, Christians still take bread and wine in remembrance of their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Do not neglect participating in the Lord’s Supper. Let it remind you of what Christ did for you.
In Old Testament times, God agreed to forgive people’s sins if they brought animals for the priests to sacrifice. When this sacrificial system was inaugurated, the agreement between God and His people was sealed with the blood of animals. But animal blood did not in itself remove sin: only God can forgive sin, and animal sacrifice had to be repeated day after day and year after year. Jesus instituted a “new covenant” or agreement with God and His people. Under the new covenant, Jesus would die in the place of sinners. Unlike the blood of animals, His blood (because He is God) would remove the sins of all who put their faith in Him. Jesus’ sacrifice would never have to be repeated; it would be good for all eternity.
The most important event in human history was about to take place, and the disciples were still arguing about their prestige in the kingdom. Looking back, you can see that this was no time to worry about status. But the disciples, wrapped up in their own concerns, did not perceive what Jesus had been trying to tell them about His approaching death and resurrection. What are your major concerns today? Twenty years from now as you look back, will the worries look petty and inappropriate? Get your eyes off yourself and get ready for Christ’s coming into human history for the second time.