Read Luke 20:27-40

The Sadducees, a group of conservative religious leaders, honored only the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Bible; Genesis through Deuteronomy) as Scripture. They also did not believe in a resurrection of the dead because they could find no mention of it in those first five books. The Sadducees decided to try their hand at tricking Jesus, so they brought Him a question that had always stumped the Pharisees. After addressing their question about marriage, Jesus answered their real question about the resurrection. Basing His answer on the writings of Moses, whom they respected, He upheld belief in the resurrection.
Jesus’ statement does not mean that people will not recognize their spouses in heaven. It means you must not think of heaven as an extension of life as we know it here on earth. Your relationships here on earth are limited by time, death, and sin. You don’t know everything about your resurrection life, but Jesus affirms that relationships will be different from what we are used to here and now.
The Sadducees came to Jesus with a trick question. Not believing in the resurrection, they wanted Jesus to say something they could refute. Even so, Jesus did not ignore or belittle their question. He answered it, and then He went beyond it to the real issue. People may ask you tough religious questions, such as “How can a loving God allow children to starve?” or, “If God knows what I am going to do, do I really have a free choice?” If they do, follow Jesus’ example: First, answer them to the best of your ability; then look for the real issue: hurt over a personal tragedy, or difficulty in making a right decision. Often the spoken question is only a test, not of your ability to answer hard questions, but of your willingness to listen and care.