Read Luke 17:1-10

Jesus may have been directing this warning at the religious leaders who taught their converts their hypocritical ways. They were perpetuating an evil system. A person who teaches others has a solemn responsibility.
To rebuke does not mean to point out every sin you see; it means to bring sin to a person’s attention with the purpose of restoring him/her to God and to fellow humans. When you feel you must rebuke another Christian for a sin, check your attitude before you speak. Do you love that person? Are you willing to forgive? Unless rebuke is tied to forgiveness, it will not help the sinning person.
A mustard seed is small, but it is alive and growing. Almost invisible at first, it will begin to spread, first under the ground then visibly. Like a tiny seed, a small amount of genuine faith in God will take root and grow. Although each change will be gradual and imperceptible, soon this faith will have produced major results that will uproot and destroy competing loyalties. You don’t need more faith; a tiny seed of faith is enough if it is alive and growing.
The disciple’s request was genuine; they wanted the faith necessary for such radical forgiveness. But Jesus didn’t directly answer their question because the amount of faith is not as important as its genuineness. What is faith? It is complete trust and loyalty to God that results in a willingness to do His will. Faith is not something you use to put on a show for others. It is complete and humble obedience to God’s will, readiness to do whatever He calls you to do. The amount of faith isn’t as important as the right kind of faith – faith in our all powerful God.
If you have obeyed God you have done your duty, and you should regard it as a privilege. Do you sometimes feel you deserve extra credit for serving God? Remember, that obedience is not something extra you do; it is your duty. Jesus is not suggesting that your service is meaningless or useless, nor is He advocating doing away with rewards. He is attacking unwarranted self-esteem and spiritual pride.