Read Luke 12:35-48

Christ’s return at an unexpected time is not a trap, a trick by which God hopes to catch us off Guard. In fact, God is delaying His return so more people will have the opportunity to follow Him. Before Christ’s return, you have time to live out your faith and to reflect Jesus’ love as we relate to others.
People who are ready for their Lord’s return are 1) not hypocritical, but sincere in their faith, 2) not fearful but ready to witness, 3) not worried, but trusting, 4) not greedy, but generous, 5) not lazy, but diligent. May your life be more like Christ’s so that when He comes, you will be ready to greet Him joyfully.
Jesus repeatedly said that He would leave this world but would return at some future time. He also said that a kingdom is being prepared for His followers.
Jesus promises a reward for those who have been faithful to God. While you sometimes experience immediate and material rewards for your obedience to God, this is not always the case. If so, you would be tempted to boast about your achievements and only do good for what you get. Jesus said that if you look for rewards now, you will lose them later. Our heavenly rewards will be the most accurate reflection for what you have done on earth, and they will be far greater than you can imagine.
Jesus told us how to live until He comes: We must watch for Him, work diligently for Him, and obey His word. Such attitudes are especially necessary for leaders. Watchful and faithful leaders will be given increased opportunities and responsibilities. The more resources, talents, and understanding you have, the more you are required to use them effectively. God will not hold you responsible for the gifts He has not given you, but you have been given enough gifts and duties to keep you busy until He comes.