Read Luke 10:17-24

The disciples had seen tremendous results as they ministered in Jesus’ name and with His authority. They were elated with the victories they had witnessed, and Jesus shared their enthusiasm. He helped them get their priorities right, however, by reminding them of their most important victory – that their names were registered in heaven. This honor was more important than any of their accomplishments. As you see God’s wonders at work in and through you, you should not lose sight of the greatest wonder of all – your salvation and citizenship in heaven.
Jesus mentions “Satan falling from heaven as a flash of lightening.” Jesus may have been warning His disciples against pride. Satan’s pride led to his fall and all the evil we see on earth today. To Jesus’ disciples, who were thrilled with their power over evil spirits, Jesus may have been giving this stern warning: “Yours is the kind of pride that led to Satan’s downfall. Be careful!”
Jesus thanked God that spiritual truth was for everyone and not just for the elite. Many of life’s rewards seem to go to the intelligent, the rich, the good looking, or the powerful, but the kingdom of God is equally available to all, regardless of position and abilities. You come to Jesus, not through strength or brains, but through childlike trust. Jesus is not opposed to engaging in scholarly pursuits; He is opposed to spiritual pride. You need to thank God that everyone has equal access to Him. Trust in God’s grace, not in your personal qualifications, for your salvation.
Christ’s mission was to reveal God the Father to people. His words brought difficult ideas down to earth. He explained God’s love through stories, teachings, and, most of all, His life. By examining Jesus’ actions, principles, and attitudes, you can understand God more clearly.
The disciples had a fantastic opportunity – they were eye witnesses of Christ, the Son of God. But for many months they took Jesus for granted, not really listening to Him or obeying Him. You also, have a privileged position: the legacy of 2,000 years of church history, the availability of the Bible in hundreds of languages and translations, and access to many excellent pastors and teachers. Yet we take these for granted. Remember, with privilege comes responsibility. Because you are privileged to know so much about Christ, you must be careful to follow Him.